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This report focuses on the different use cases of the COGITO project. We have chosen different algorithms that have different characteristics in terms of usage frequency, security level and side channel signature. The first one is the cryptographic algorithm AES; its side channel signature is of prime importance while its usage is moderate but could be complex to implement. The second one, the PIN code verification algorithm, is rarely used; its side channel signature is very important and it has a very low complexity. The last one, the memory prefetch in a Java Virtual Machine, is very frequently used, presents a very low complexity but is rarely protected against side channel and security aspect is often considered as less important.

The case studies within the COGITO project contribute to the gathering of evidence for the benefits of using code polymorphism. The results are aimed at raising awareness of the benefits of using the deGoal technology in the smart card domain and more generally in the domain of secure embedded devices. The objective is to evaluate the advantages and drawbacks of using code polymorphism in different phases of the smart card development. For that purpose, beside the description of the algorithms we describe the evaluation process and the related metrics we want to collect in order to asses if this technology is affordable for this application domain. It must be pointed out, that the metrics presented herecan evolve in the future, reflecting our progresses within the project. For this reason, this document will probably be updated with the final results.

It must be pointed out, that the metrics presented herecan evolve in the future, reflecting our progresses within the project. For this reason, this document will probably be updated with the final results.