
D. Couroussé, B. Robisson, J. Lanet, T. Barry, H. Noura, P. Jaillon, and P. Lalevée “COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices,” in SECRYPT 2014 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography, Vienna, Austria, 28-30 August, 2014, 2014, pp. 451–456. [doi] [paper]

H. Noura and D. Couroussé “Lightweight, Dynamic, and Flexible Cipher Scheme for Wireless and Mobile Networks,” in Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 155, N. Mitton, M. Kantarci, A. Gallais, and S. Papavassiliou, Eds. Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp. 225–236. [doi]

H. Noura and D. Couroussé “HLDCA-WSN: Homomorphic Lightweight Data Confidentiality Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network.” Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2015/928, 2015. [paper] [url]

T. Barry, D. Couroussé, and B. Robisson “Compilation of a Countermeasure Against Instruction-Skip Fault Attacks,” in Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Cryptography and Security in Computing Systems (CS2), 2016. [paper] [slides] [url]

H. L. Bouder, T. Barry, D. Couroussé, J.-L. Lanet, and R. Lashermes “A Template Attack Against VERIFY PIN Algorithms,” in SECRYPT 2016 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography, 2016. [url] [paper] [slides]

H. L. Bouder, R. Lashermes, Y. Linge, G. Thomas, and J.-Y. Zie “A Multi-Round Side Channel Attack on AES using Belief Propagation,” in FPS 2016 (9th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security), 2016. [url]

D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, P. Jaillon, O. Potin, and J.-L. Lanet “Runtime Code Polymorphism as a Protection Against Side Channel Attacks,” in 10th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice (WISTP’2016), 2016, pp. 136–152. [url] [doi] [preprint]

Talks and posters

D. Couroussé “COGITO: Runtime Code Generation to Secure Devices.” 8e rencontres de la communauté française de compilation, Nice, France, July-2014. [slides] [url]

T. Barry “Compilation pour la composition de protections logicielles pour les systèmes embarqués.” Crypto’Puces 2015 : rencontre sur les recherches actuelles en crypographie, May-2015. [url]

D. Couroussé “Runtime Code Generation for Performance and Security in Embedded Systems.” Séminaire sécurité des systèmes électroniques embarqués, DGA-IRISA, Rennes, October-2015. [slides] [url]

D. Couroussé, T. Barry, B. Robisson, P. Jaillon, J. Lanet, and O. Potin “Runtime Code Polymorphism as a Protection against Physical Attacks.” Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware; Embedded Systems (CHES), Saint-Malo, september-2015. [poster] [url]

T. Barry, D. Couroussé, and B. Robisson “Compiler-based Countermeasure Against Fault Attacks.” Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), Saint-Malo, september-2015. [poster] [url]

D. Couroussé, O. Potin, B. Robisson, T. Barry, K. Abdelatif, P. Jaillon, H. L. Bouder, and J.-L. Lanet “Génération de Code au Runtime pour la Sécurisation de Composants.” Workshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, Troyes, february-2016. [poster] [url]

H.-P. Charles and D. Couroussé “Compilation and Runtime Code Generation for Performance and Security in Embedded Systems.” Workshop Dynamic Compilation Everywhere (DCE), in conjunction with CGO, Barcelona, march-2016. [slides] [url]

D. Couroussé “Génération de code au runtime pour la sécurité des systèmes embarqués.” Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l’Enseignement de la Sécurité des systèmes d’information – RESSI 2016, Toulouse, May-2016. [slides] [url]

D. Couroussé “Compilation pour la sécurité des systèmes embarqués.” Summer School Cyber in Bretagne, Rennes, France, Jul-2016. [url]

D. Couroussé “Compilation and Cybersecurity in embedded systems.” 11e rencontre de la communauté française de compilation, Aussois, Sep-2016. [slides] [url]

H. L. Bouder, T. Barry, D. Couroussé, R. Lashermes, and J.-L. Lanet “Template attack against PIN code.” Second Joint Workshop between France and Japan on Cybersecurity, INRIA Rennes, 2016. [url]

D. Couroussé “Compilation for Cybersecurity in embedded systems.” Workshop SERTIF : Simulation pour l’Evaluation de la RobusTesse des applications embarquées contre l’Injection de Fautes. Présentation invitée., Grenobe, Oct-2016. [slides] [url]

H. L. Bouder, R. Lashermes, J.-L. Lanet, T. Barry, and D. Couroussé “IoT and Physical Attacks.” CESAR 2016. Internet des objets : vous avez dit sécurité ?, Rennes, Nov-2016. [url] [abstract]

Related publications: Runtime code generation

H.-P. Charles, D. Couroussé, V. Lomüller, F. A. Endo, and R. Gauguey “deGoal a Tool to Embed Dynamic Code Generators into Applications,” in Compiler Construction, 2014, vol. 8409. [doi] [paper]

C. Aracil and D. Couroussé “Software Acceleration of Floating-Point Multiplication using Runtime Code Generation,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Energy Aware Computing, 2013. [doi] [paper]

D. Couroussé, V. Lomüller, and H.-P. Charles “Introduction to Dynamic Code Generation – an Experiment with Matrix Multiplication for the STHORM Platform,” in Smart Multicore Embedded Systems, Springer Verlag, 2013, pp. 103–124. [doi] [paper]